Domestic Violence & Family Law

Domestic violence is a serious family law matter that requires legal representation in civil court. We help provide you with the skillful representation, the compassion and support to get through this tough time, and the network of experts and professionals. Each year CCLSJ attorneys and staff provide free legal representation and other services to approximately 400 victims of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence
CCLSJ provides free attorneys to eligible victims for consultations and legal representation in Final Restraining Order hearings.
CCLSJ provides low cost attorneys, and advice and legal counseling services to income qualified individuals with the following legal issues:

Family Law
- Child Support
- Custody
- Adoptions

Community Education
- Know Your Rights for Victims of Domestic Violence
- Know your Rights for the Immigrant Community
- Immigration 101 Overview
- Updates on New Immigration Programs
If you would like to discuss one of the above legal issues with us, please call 856-583-2950 to set up an appointment. Please be advised that while CCLSJ provides free services for domestic violence victims who have upcoming Final Restraining Order Hearings, we do charge a $30.00 consulation fee to meet with one of our attorneys or BIA representatives regarding the other services that we provide.
Immigration Services
Through the assistance of grants from the Diocese of Camden, the IOLTA Fund of New Jersey, NJ VAWA and NJ VAG, the CCLSJ Domestic Violence Project has grown into the leading provider legal services to victims of domestic violence in South Jersey.
The Immigration Program of the CCLSJ is recognized by the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals to provide low-cost immigration services for those unable to afford a private attorney.

- Family Immigration Petitions for relatives
- Adjustment of Status
- 245i cases
- V-visas
- Fiancée visas
- Citizenship
- Asylum
- Work Authorization
- Suspension of Deportation
- Cancellation of Removal
- Immigration Court Cases
- Consultations on all Immigration Matters
- VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)
- Affidavits of Support
- U-Visa
- DACA / “Dream Act”
Advocacy and Training
In addition to direct representation of individuals CCLSJ coordinates the Southern Division of the New Jersey Immigration Policy Network. In this capacity CCLSJ advocates for fair and humane immigration policy that ensures respect, dignity and justice for all newcomers to the United States.
Our activities include:
- Conduct educational symposiums, conferences and seminars for attorneys, health care providers, social service agencies and the general public;
- Monitor legislation effecting immigration policy;
- Advocate local, state and federal officials for fairness to newcomers.
To request training or for more information about our services please call: (856) 583-2950.